The following program demonstrates how an input is fetched from the user in the program :
The line 6 shows how to use a scanf() function to fetch an input from the user. The '%d' shows that an integer type variable is fetched from the user and the value is stored in i.
Similarly we can also fetch multiple values using scanf
'%f' is used to fetch floating number and '%c' is used to fetch a character from the user.
Look at line 13. I have added \n before '%c'. There is a reason behind this. After you enter your input for j (floating point number), you will press 'Enter' key. It is also a character (\n). This character '\n' will be assigned to 'k'. To avoid this, i've placed \n (New Line) before %c. Thus it will ignore the pressing of 'Enter' key which produces '\n' key character.
#include<stdio.h> void main() { int i; printf("Please enter a value for i : \t"); scanf("%d",&i); printf("\n Value of i : \t%d",i); }The scanf() function is used to fetch an input from the user.
The line 6 shows how to use a scanf() function to fetch an input from the user. The '%d' shows that an integer type variable is fetched from the user and the value is stored in i.
Output: Please enter a value for i : 5 Value of i : 5
Similarly we can also fetch multiple values using scanf
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int i; float j; char k; printf("\n Enter the value for i : \t"); scanf("%d",&i); printf("\n Enter the value for j: \t"); scanf("%f",&j); printf("\n Enter the value for k: \t"); scanf("\n%c",&k); printf("\n Value of i : \t%d",i); printf("\n Value of j : \t%f",j); printf("\n Value of k : \t%c",k); return 0; }
'%f' is used to fetch floating number and '%c' is used to fetch a character from the user.
Look at line 13. I have added \n before '%c'. There is a reason behind this. After you enter your input for j (floating point number), you will press 'Enter' key. It is also a character (\n). This character '\n' will be assigned to 'k'. To avoid this, i've placed \n (New Line) before %c. Thus it will ignore the pressing of 'Enter' key which produces '\n' key character.
Output: Enter the value for i : 4 Enter the value for j : 4.6 Enter the value for k : h Value of i : 4 Value of j : 4.600000 Value of k : h
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