An array is a collection of variables of the same type under a single name. Arrays are used to store data that have common purpose.
Arrays can be of one dimensional, two dimensional or multidimesional. Anyway, multidimensional array those are more than 3 dimensions are hard to imagine. Now, we are going to concentrate on one and two dimensional arrays.
Very well then. How do I access the array values if all of them have the same name ? Its just like a book. Just as the pages are numbered in a book, each value in an array are identified with what is called as 'index'.
Arrays can be of one dimensional, two dimensional or multidimesional. Anyway, multidimensional array those are more than 3 dimensions are hard to imagine. Now, we are going to concentrate on one and two dimensional arrays.
Very well then. How do I access the array values if all of them have the same name ? Its just like a book. Just as the pages are numbered in a book, each value in an array are identified with what is called as 'index'.
- 1. One Dimensional Array
- Following picture portrays the one dimensional array of size 'n'. As you know, for an array of size 'n', the indices of the array are from '0' to 'n-1' (shown in the picture) :
An one dimensional array of size 'n'
datatype identifier[size(optional)]; (or) datatype identifier[size(optional)] = {Constants};
For example if we declare an array of type 'int' of size 5 and identifier as 'marks' , then the declaration would be as follows :
Now, lets see this with an example:int marks[5]; //Or else it could be declared and initialized with the values as follows : int marks[5]={60,67,73,66,70};
Here, marks[0] = 60 marks[1] = 67 marks[2] = 73 marks[3] = 66 marks[4] = 70
/* Fetch marks, Find Total Marks and Display */ #include<stdio.h> void main() { int marks[5],sum=0,i; char name[20]; /* String of size 20 */ /* A String is an array of Characters */ printf("\n Demonstration of One Dimensional Array "); printf("\n Enter the name of the student : \t"); gets(name); printf("\n Enter the marks obtained in 5 subjects : \n"); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { scanf("%d",&marks[i]); } printf("\n Student Name : \t %s",name); printf("\n Marks "); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { printf("\n %d ",marks[i]); sum += marks[i]; } printf("\n Total Marks : \t %d",sum); }
Sample Output : Demonstration of One Dimensional Array Enter the name of the student : Hari Hara Sudhan Enter the marks obtained in 5 subjects : 12 23 34 45 56 Student Name : Hari Hara Sudhan Marks 12 23 34 45 56 Total Marks : 170
- 2. Two Dimensional Array
- The two dimensional array consists of rows and columns. An array of m rows and n columns is of size
m * n . The numbering goes from 0 to m-1 for rows and 0 to n-1 for columns.
datatype identifier[rows][columns]; (or) datatype identifier[rows][columns] = {Constants};
The two dimensional array is pictorially represented as follows :
Two Dimensional Array of 'm' rows and 'n' columns
Now, lets see this with an example :int array[4][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9},{10,11,12}};
In this, each row is seperated from the other by using curly braces. Thus the first row is : array[0][0] = 1 array[0][1] = 2 array[0][2] = 3 The second row is : array[1][0] = 4 array[1][1] = 5 array[1][2] = 6 The third will be : array[2][0] = 7 array[2][1] = 8 array[2][2] = 9 The fourth row will be : array[3][0] = 10 array[3][1] = 11 array[3][2] = 12
#include<stdio.h> void main() { int item_details[20][3],i,count=0; /* Three Columns - Unit Price, Quantity, Total Price item_details[some_row][0] - item price item_details[some_row][1] - item quantity item_details[some_row][2] - item total price A maximum of twenty rows */ char item_name[20][25],choice; /* Here item_name - Maximum of 25 characters(columns) and 20 names(rows)*/ printf("\n Demonstration of two dimensional array "); do { printf("\n Enter the Item name : \t "); gets(item_name[count]); /* gets - used to get a line of characters from the user */ printf("\n Enter the per item price : \t "); scanf("%d",&item_details[count][0]); /* Get the item price */ printf("\n Enter the quantity : \t "); scanf("%d",&item_details[count][1]); /* Get the item quantity */ item_details[count][2] = item_details[count][0] * item_details[count][1]; /* Calculate the total price total price = item price * quantity */ printf("\n Do you want to add another item (y/n) ? "); count++; choice = getchar(); fflush(stdin); /* Clear the Input Buffer */ }while(choice=='y'||choice=='Y'); printf("\n\n Items List : "); printf("\n Item Name \t Item Price \t Quantity \t Total Price"); for(i=0;i<count;i++) { printf("\n %s \t\t %d \t\t %d \t\t %d",item_name[i],item_details[i][0],item_details[i][1],item_details[i][2]); } }
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